
Kishboo, see you around!!

I was at home last week, and suddenly one of my friends sent me a really nice mail. In the mail had been attached one picture of her wearing a Kishboo’s necklace. The meaning of that picture was how happy she was wearing the necklace in the meantime she was waiting in the plane, until the “take off”.

So .. it’s true, as Kishboo always says, “to feel more pretty.. get one”…  This expression comes from the original one in Spanish…. “Para estár más guapa… compleméntate” -even here in this sentence Kishboo created a “new word”- And in that specific moment, reading watching at the picture, I started thinking in a new project.

Kishboo, see you around!! I recognize I love this expression in both lenguages, is a project which allows to share to all the Kishboo’s friends, where are located the creations.

I’m very lucky because I have good friends living around the world, and that’s why my creations are spread in different countries, as Spain, France,  Italy, Greece, Sweden, Canada, US, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Corea…  and maybe more! I hope when you read this post you’re thinking about yourself. And only because of you, Kishboo is been able to keep creating new collections!!!!

So… here we go! Kishboo would love to share a picture of you wearing one of the kishboo’s creations. If you want to be involved in this project, just follow the instructions! And if you want to be creative with the picture, it’s on you!

And let’s see… where they are…around the world!!
Thanks so much!!!

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