Chocolate, Roasted Cherry & Salted Almond Ice Cream_ reclaiming provincial
There's only a way to listen to or read about old sailor tales... either swinging on a boat or curling up in a blanket while you are eating an amazing gelato in a rainy evening.
Photographer Claudio Troncoso Rojas Co-funder The Time of Thieves
First you catch a glimpse of something blue while you start smelling the salt, then after passing by the trees the weak sunlights get stronger and stronger until the moment you arrive to the shore ... the sea lures you and there's no way to come back.
The sea always has had a magnet that lures me, I love the light of the mediterranean, going for a walk along the beach or just simply watch and listen to the waves.. so how could I don't write a post about all things you will find in it?
Thanks to Claudio for giving me the chance of showing you part of his art. Not only i'm a huge fan of his work but I also follow the time of thieves , it's "window" where you could find new and emerging artist.
If I think about my childhood's books & movies always come into my mind Jules Verne's ones. My dad loves SCI-fi old movies, and I don't know if that is in my genes, but so do I. It was the first time I met the kraken...
Dotted tattoo by Juna
Sea monsters, such as the kraken, the daredevil, the gigant octopus.... all has been described as an enormous, evil and terrifying creature, but what about the chances that gave this incredible nature creation for artisic fields, such as illustrations, tattoos...
I do love this needdle one by one dotted tattoo, to create a dotted illustration you have to be a talented illustrator as Juna.
Juna is an illustrator and tattoo artist based in Valencia who takes care of the finishing touches of each project. I've arranged these images that fit perfectly in my sea post, thanks Juna.
Old tales/stories come from the struggle for survival between humans and nature in exposed and hostile environments. Then creatures, nature forces and imagination is combined to create culture believes and develop local art.
It's how I met David Blackwood prints, He's one of Canada's leading printmakers, and I loved Newfoundland's visual narratives. The work I had the pleasure to discover was an exhibition on childhood memories, dreams, superstitions, legends the oral tradition and the political realities of Wesleyville.
Looking for this creatures in the craft world, they turn into cute and friendly buddies. Linen, cotton, wool, natural fabrics basically are materials that Adatine, run by two creative crafters, uses to give them form.
Woodworking has been along stone, one of the most popular ways to represent art, create objects... This collection has been created by machines, taking a long manufacturing process and using 3 different sanding processes ....
I have had the pleasure that one of Kishboo lovers allows me to post her poem about whales, actually, she has this whale necklace :D
here it comes... the poem, sorry, it's only in spanish, but you can use google translate app. ;)
¿Las ballenas tenemos escamas?
Varada en la arena recibo con deleite la intensidad de un sol fulgurante y con gratitud a la ola oportuna que me baña en el instante justo en que mi calor debe ser sofocado.
-Las ballenas, tan amantes de los desafíos somos… que daríamos nuestra vida si la ocasión se nos presenta.
Varado en la arena el cubito y la pala del chiquillo que corre despavorido.
-Las ballenas, que tenemos los arrestos para jugar a nuestros juegos, brincamos de entusiasmo con el encargo y si aquel ron guatemalteco me puso sobre la pista de generosos vinos finos, confío en que “¡por mis barbas!” hallaré su procedencia.
Varada en la arena la colilla del que exclama: qué peaazo bischo!
-Las ballenas, sabemos leer lugares en los sueños y beber en los fuertes vientos los aromas contenidos.
Varada en la arena la mochila del fotógrafo.
-Las ballenas gustamos de ser reconocidas por nuestros logros y nos embriaga la multitud que aplaude. Es el espectáculo y es la recompensa.
Varadas en la arena las preguntas sin respuestas del gentío que contempla atónito la mole agonizante.
-Las ballenas, que dudamos si tenemos escamas, nos abandonamos con placer al último sorbo.
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