
Breakfast goods for edible jewels

Music by _ Pasty Cline

Good morning my fellows, yesterday night I started working in this post while I was eating some cookies as an after midnight bite, that's why I was almost... walking after midnight... ;)

Mini Fruit and Chocolate Bundt Cakes with Chocolate Cream Cheese Glaze / How to simplify

Here there are these mini cute and delicious fruit and chocolate bundt cakes jus to whet your appetite, but.... you need a magnificent plate to delight more your senses.... here they come....

I met this talented artist in Madrid during the NOmada Market, of course I bought a good from her! A sweet gift for my brother in law! :P

Maybe you will go for a cup full of cereals... so these ceramics goods will make your morning happier than usual, don't you think?;)

Or perhaps... you are the ones who are still dreaming while you are eating your breakfast!

Or.... you are those ones who have your breakfast always with your mate, either your cat or.... ;)

And never forget that a delicious breakfast or lunch should be served with a cup of..... :D

Ufff! we are almost at the dessert time.... and why not a funny plate and then you won't feel guilty about you are eating! :P

Well..... these are my plates... which I try to have my breakfast with and a cup of tea each morning! 

Have a nice..... appetite! :D

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